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August 19, 2018

How your business can benifit running off G Suite by Google


Google introduces its Microsoft Office killer, G Suite.

Before G Suite was a "thing" I began letting Microsoft Office slip like the hand grip of a movies' cliffhanger action sequence. By 2013 my go-to office protocol had changed significantly and I started in with Google Docs for simple, word processing task. At this time Microsoft hadn't truely refined use of the cloud so accessing my documents without flash drives was good enough for me. Fast-forward 5 years and Google Docs has been totally refined to rival Microsoft Word and other base apps like Sheets, Forms, and Slides give you nearly all the functions of Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook.

So why should you care? Let's start with the one thing everybody cares about. Money! Google and Microsoft's basic packaging both low-end at $5/month, but only Google allows true month-to-month billing. Fortunately, if you decide to cancel you still have FREE access to your files as well as the basic applications. Nothing worse than being cut off from being able to save, change, print a document because you can't make a payment in time.

"I use Gmail, which in turn makes Google Calendars invaluable. It couldn't be easier to turn an email into a scheduled appointment and have that appointment notify me through my phone."

I was an avid Android user and even since being somewhat forced to an iPhone (thanks T-mobile) I was delighted to find out that Google's apps are still heavily supported on the IOS market. Like most, I use Gmail, which in turn makes Google Calendars invaluable. It couldn't be easier to turn an email into a scheduled appointment and have that appointment notify me through my phone. In addition, attaching documents to appointments as well as setting up video conferencing is all available through the Google Calendar. If your memory is anything like mine you will not regret going digital if you still use that good ole pocket organizer like I used to!


Your paper trail is important and being able to access your data when need be, is invaluable to you and your customers. G Suites' web-based applications are accessible from any computer. No matter where you are you can pull up and edit documents from your phone to your aunt's computer (Yes, the one with the slow internet.). With Google being one of the top 2 dogs in mobile app development, Microsofts attempts at incorporating a mobile platform has been...well, let's just say "has been".

Personally I have fleshed out all of my important documents on Google Documents. I created interactive spreedshets for my photography business. I have yet to use Google Slides which is the rival to Powerpoint; But hey, I don't even use Powerpoint. I backup all of my agreements and contracts on Google Drive which I am able to organize via client. So even when I go to meetings all I'm ever truly required to have on me is my tablet. So in the convience department, advantage Google all day buddy.

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